Featured Social Gatherings
Go inside recent weddings, corporate events, and social gatherings planned and catered by the Arthur's creative events and catering team.

February 13, 2020
Arthur's 30th Anniversary: Heart & Soul

June 14, 2018
Lawton Orthodontics
Retirement Party...

March 10, 2018
Lily’s Bat Mitzvah
Lily’s Bat Mitzvah...

October 28, 2018
The Enchanted Forest
Halloween Celebration...

November 22, 2019
Mcfadden McBrunch

February 11, 2025
The ULTIMATE 80's Themed Birthday Party
It takes a team to make a thing go right, It takes team to make it outta sight. Hit it!...

September 2, 2021
An All-White 50th Birthday Celebration!
An All-White 50th Birthday Celebration!...